Vanilla - Certified 100% Organic Essential Oil


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This is Vanilla absolute extracted from the beans of Bourbon Vanilla that originally grown and cultivated in Madagascar Island. The absolute has viscous dark brown liquid with a rich, sweet, balsamic o'dour. It is suitable to use as a fragrance ingredients in high-quality natural perfumes, especially oriental type perfume. Our Vanilla absolute is 20-fold concentrate (20x) absolute grade with Vanilla content approximately 2.1-2.4%, which is better than oleo-resin grade. Vanilla absolute blend well with Eucalyptus, Sandalwood, Vetiver and other spice oils.

Sizes: 5ml - 10ml - 100ml
Origin: Vanilla planifolia - Madagascar
Extraction Method: Org. Solvent Ext.
SKU: LH1202

Certificate Information -
Organic Farmland: Madagascar
Organic Certificate: USDA Certified Organic
Authority: ECOCERT France SAS
Certified Organic 100% Essential Oil