Lavender Maillette - Certified Organic 100% Essential Oil


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Lavender Essential Oil is valuable for most skin conditions since it promotes growth of new cells and exerts a balancing action on sebum. It has pronounced healing effect on burns and sunburn and helpful in cases of acne and eczema. Also said to heal abscesses, boils and carbuncles as well as minimize fungal growths, scarring and gangrenous wounds. It has positive effect on mind, cleanses and soothes the spirit relieving anger and exhaustion, resulting in a calmer approach to life. Has a sedative action that giving effective relief from insomnia.

Sizes: 5ml - 10ml - 100m
Origin: Lavandula officinalis var maillette - France
Extraction Method: Steam
SKU: LH0738

Certificate Information -
Organic Farmland: France
Organic Certificate: ECOCERT Certified Organic
Authority: ECOCERT France SAS
Certified Organic 100% Essential Oil